
and Scholarships

The ASIC Awards Program provides a critical public education tool which establishes excellence and leadership in innovation water management. Participation in the program recognizes your projects and clients as stewards of one of the nation’s precious resources, water.” – Jeffrey Bruce, FASIC

Excellence in Irrigation

There are not many venues available to the irrigation consulting profession to gain recognition from our peers and our industry for the work we do. The ASIC Excellence in Irrigation Awards is one of them. We consider it an honor to have been recognized by our peers for our work in the industry. We also find the awards to be helpful in the marketing and promotion of our firm when pursuing work. We list our award-winning projects in the statement of qualifications packages we submit to our clients, and we feel it sets us apart from our competitors who do not have that type of national industry recognition.

Douglas Macdonald, CPIC, FASIC

2024 Excellence Winner, Aqua Engineering, Inc.

What are the Excellence in Irrigation Awards?

  • The ASIC Excellence Awards represent prime examples of the outstanding work our members, like you, are involved with.
  • Winning projects are selected based on the quality of project planning, design functionalism, environmental responsibility, and relevance.
  • The projects are independently judged by a jury of knowledgeable and nationally recognized members of academia, irrigation consultants, industry members or public agency officials, who are looking for evidence of unique problem solving;  forward-thinking water resource management solutions and clarity in presentation.
  • Entry categories include: Commercial/Public Works; Parks and Recreational Fields; Golf; Residential; Water Management/Planning and Analysis; Research.

Why Submit a Project?

  • Become more well-known in the industry.
  • Enhance your company’s reputation.
  • Help both you and ASIC market your expertise to current and potential clients.

What do Winning Projects Recieve?

  • Winning projects may receive either an Honor or Merit Award.
  • Award winners receive a personalized plaque (additional plaques can be ordered for clients).
  • Honor and Merit award recipients are announced in a press release sent to industry publications.
  • Award winners will be recognized and presented with their plaque(s) at the ASIC National Conference Awards Banquet.
  • Winning projects are featured during the ASIC National Conference with dedicated signage for each winning project.
  • Award winners are featured on with a dedicated post for each winning project.

How do I submit a Project?

  • Projects for the 2025 ASIC Excellence in Irrigation Awards will be accepted soon.
  • Check back for more information!

Recent Excellence in Irrigation Award Recipients

ASIC Honor Awards

ASIC gives special recognition to individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the irrigation industry.

The Award Process is as follows:

Nominations are solicited by the Honor Awards Committee

The Committee reviews the nominations and submits its final recommendations to the Board of Directors

Awards are chosen at the Board’s discretion and are not necessarily distributed annually

Roy Williams Memorial


This award is given in recognition of significant contributions to the irrigation industry. The award can be given to an individual or an organization.

Jim Barrett, FASIC


Sam Tobey Lifetime Achievement


This award is given to an individual whose long-term support of the Society’s principles and whose efforts to promote the goals of the Society are deserving of special recognition by his or her peers.

Doug Macdonald, FASIC


Inge Bisconer


The Ivy Munion Langendorff Women in Irrigation


This award is given in recognition of women who have positively impacted and made a difference in the irrigation industry.


A Fellow is recognized for being outstanding in their career. Only 16 people have been named ASIC Fellow since the first Fellow was selected in 1992.

The criteria for an ASIC Fellow is as follows:

Career work advancing their profession

Service to the profession by sharing thier knowledge

Leadership roles resulting in recognition and respect

Freely volunteering for the betterment of the industry

Over 20 Years of Asic Fellows

2023  Carol Colein*—C. J. Colein & Associates

2019  Bob Scott Irrigation Consultant Services, Inc.

2018  Jeffrey Bruce** Jeffrey L. Bruce & Company

2017  Steven Hohl Water Concern, Ltd.

2015  Douglas Macdonald  Aqua Engineering, Inc.

2014  Brian Vinchesi  Irrigation Consulting, Inc.

2014  Brendan Lynch** — Lynch & Associates, Ltd.

2007  James Barrett  James Barrett Associates, LLC

2002  Don K. Burns* —DKB Irrigation Consultants, Inc.

2000  John Blevens* — Irrigation Consultant (formerly ICS, Inc.)

1999  Stephen W. Smith  Aqua Engineering, Inc and Wade Water, LLC

1997  David D. Davis** — David D. Davis and Associates

1996   Richard W. Smith* — Richard W. Smith & Associates, Inc.

1994  David D. Pagano — d.d. Pagano, Inc.

1994  Bob Cloud** — Associated Irrigation Consultants

1994  Russell D. Mitchell  Russel D. Mitchell & Associates, Inc.

1992  Chet Sarsfield** — Irrigation Technical Services

** Deceased
*    Retired

Scholarships and Grants

ASIC Ivy Munion Langendorff Memorial Scholarship

ASIC Past President, Ivy Munion, passed away on May 23, 2016 after a long battle with cancer.  Ivy was very passionate about ASIC and the profession of irrigation consulting. Ivy and her spirited contributions to the industry will be sorely missed.

In order to honor Ivy in a significant and lasting way, ASIC has created a named scholarship in her memory as a fitting memorial to her.  The scholarship recipient will be a student, currently enrolled in a 2 or 4 year college with an emphasis on irrigation.

NALP NCLC Irrigation Design Workshop & Competition

Currently, ASIC is the lead sponsor for for the Irrigation Design Workshop and Competition Exam at the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) National Collegiate Landscape Competition (NCLC).  Each year, the first, second and third place winners in the Irrigation Design Competition are recognized and awarded with a prize for their achievements. We hope that the students’ participation in the competition helps them consider pursuing a career in the irrigation design sector of the landscape industry.