
Meet our Gold Partners

ASIC Certified Professional (CPIC)

ASIC Certification Resources

Head to the Certified Professional Irrigation Consultant page for resources related to CPIC certification.

Codes and Standards

Uniform plumbing code

The plumbing code sets standards for installing and maintaining plumbing systems to ensure public health and safety.

CSI Specification Standards

Guidelines used to systematize and detail the materials, products, and processes in building projects, ensuring consistency and clarity across the construction industry.

Electrical Codes

Standards designed to ensure electrical wiring and equipment installations are safe and effective.

Industry Association Resources

American Society of Testing and Materials

Develops and publishes technical standards for pipe and solvent materials to ensure quality, safety, and performance across various applications.

American Society of Sanitary Engineering

Establishes standards for backflow prevention devices to protect potable water supplies from contamination and ensure safe water systems.

National Fire Protection Agency

Develops and updates the National Electrical Code to ensure safe electrical design, installation, and inspection to protect people and property from electrical hazards.

American National Standards Institute

Coordinates and facilitates standards and conformity across a wide range of industries in the United States to ensure quality and safety in products and services.

Underwritiers Laboratories

Advances safety science research and provides certification for products and systems to enhance public safety and well-being across global markets.

American Water Works Association

Manages and treats water, aiming to improve public health, protect the environment, and enhance the quality and safety of water supplies.

Plastic Pipe Institute

Promotes the use of plastic piping systems, advocating for their benefits in durability, efficiency, and environmental sustainability.

Formulas & Calculations

NPSH Calculator

Used to determine the NPSH available in a pumping system to prevent cavitation, ensuring the pump operates efficiently without damage caused by vaporization of the liquid.

Friction Loss Calculations

Friction loss calculations determine the pressure loss in pipes due to the flow of liquid, essential for designing efficient piping systems and ensuring adequate water pressure.

Voltage Loss Calculations

Assess the reduction in voltage as electrical current travels through a conductor, crucial for ensuring that electrical systems operate within safe and efficient parameters.

ET Rates

Measure the amount of water evaporating from soil and transpiring from plants. This data is crucial for effective water resource management, particularly in agriculture for irrigation planning.

Government & City Codes

EPA WaterSense

Promotes water efficiency through labeling and education, helping conserve water resources.


Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is a green building certification program that recognizes buildings and communities for sustainability, energy efficiency, and environmental responsibility.

LEED Score Card

Assesses a building’s sustainability in areas like energy, water, materials, and indoor environment, providing a comprehensive evaluation of its green features.

Municode Library

Online platform providing access to municipal codes and ordinances for local governments, facilitating legal research and compliance with local laws and regulations.

MWELO Updated Information

Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance is a set of regulations aimed at promoting water-efficient landscaping practices in California.

Title 22 Recycled Water Information via CA SWRCB

Sets rules for safe recycled water use in non-potable applications like irrigation and industry.

City of Bozeman Ordinance 2155

Bozeman, MT has adopted Ordinance 2155, which introduces water-efficient landscaping and irrigation standards for new developments. 


Testing & Specifications

Soil Testing Labs by State

Facilities that analyze soil samples to provide essential information for agriculture, landscaping, and environmental purposes.

Fire Department by State

Enforces fuel modification requirements, ensuring vegetation management to reduce wildfire risks.

CIT Fresno Testing

Provides training programs focused on irrigation techniques and technology, aiming to enhance water efficiency and agricultural sustainability in the region.

Manufacturing Testing

Manufacturing testing in irrigation ensures that equipment meets quality and performance standards before use in agricultural or landscaping settings.