ASIC Professional Members, also called Professional Irrigation Consultants, are independent* representatives of their clients without bias or conflict of interest. An irrigation consultant spends a minimum of fifty percent of their time per year performing irrigation services. They have a minimum of three years of experience in independent professional irrigation-related services. These services may include, but not be limited to, feasibility studies, detailed construction plans and specifications, construction observation, system analysis, irrigation programming, site review, water management, and GPS/GIS-related services. Professional Members shall have the right to vote, hold office, use ASIC after their title, and use the ASIC logo in correspondence and drawings. Annual Dues: $420.00
* Independent means a consultant or consulting firm that is unaffiliated with a manufacturer or distributor of irrigation products or a construction contractor that participates in the irrigation industry in a design-build capacity. Multi-disciplinary firms are considered independent consulting firms. Employees of consulting firms may apply for professional membership status.
ASIC members are among the most talented and dedicated in the profession. Acceptance as an ASIC Professional Member is given to select individuals through a qualifying process as follows:
- Application Process: Each person must provide evidence of their relevant work experience and education which contributes to a point system that must be met prior to submitting an application. The applicant must submit a sample of their work product which is then carefully reviewed by their peers. Each applicant must be sponsored by two current ASIC Professionals who are able to vouch for their character and skill level.
- Code of Ethics: ASIC Professional Members must abide by a written code of ethics and standards of professional practice. The code helps define the role of the consultant and his responsibilities to the client as well as an adherence to other ethical and professional practices.