Watertronics WaterMax® Pump Station Series

WaterMax® Self-Enclosed Pump Station Series
Whether you are pumping from a reservoir or boosting a city water supply, the WaterMax Series, from Watertronics, has a pump station for any size project. WaterMax is known for its best-in-class efficiency and durability by those who specify it and is preferred for its ease of use by those who operate it in the field. The WaterMax series offers a variety of products customized to fit numerous landscape applications including parks & recreation, cemeteries, schools, universities, strip malls, sports complexes, subdivisions, nurseries, and business parks.
- Four field-proven landscape specific configurations with flows ranging from 20 GPM to 1000 GPM and pressures ranging from 5 PSI to 140 PSI.
- Arrives as a factory assembled unit with easy points of connection (intake, discharge, electrical) for fast installation
- Full dynamic flow and operation testing at site-specific conditions prior to shipment to minimize on-site delays
- Precise pressure regulation with VFD control
- Available options include WaterVision® remote monitoring, color touchscreen, temperature-controlled enclosure heater, floating HDPE intake suction lines and Electronic Butterfly Valve (EBV) backup pressure regulation
- UL Listed Packaged Pump Systems and in-house UL 508A panel shop
- Our exclusive Pump Service Network® is the largest support team in the industry that provides installation, start-up, preventative maintenance, service and replacement part sales.
Watertronics has been serving the Landscape irrigation market for over three decades. We pioneered the concept of a self-enclosed pumping system through our introduction of the WaterMax Series in 1980, which has since been widely duplicated in the Landscape market.