2023 — Lynda Wightman

Lynda Wightman

Winner of the Ivy Munion Langendorff Women In Irrigation Award for 2023

Perhaps no other individual male or female has done more to promote the irrigation industry to the general public. In many ways, she was the face of irrigation, tirelessly working with educators, students, contractors, consultants, allied organizations, and anyone else that would sit down long enough to listen to her message.

Linda served on countless boards and committees, dedicated to making each one better than before by continually setting high standards for herself and others. She effused enthusiasm for efficient irrigation, sustainable landscapes, and water conservation and relentlessly spread the message. Although now retired from her thirty five career at Hunter Industries, and enjoying life in Montana, her indelible mark on the industry will be felt by current and future practitioners. Her impact will be especially felt by young women now entering the industry. She showed how commitment to excellence, perseverance, and the ability to make personal connections was no match for “the good old boys” network that was prevalent when she first entered the industry in 1983. A stellar career has closed, but countless doors have been opened thanks to her trail blazing dedication to the industry she loved and so ably served.

In addition to the Ivy Munion Langendorff women in Irrigation Award, Linda has been the past recipient of ASIC’s Sam Tobey Lifetime Achievement Award, STMA’s Harry C. Gill Founders Award, and was inducted into the Green Industry Hall of Fame.

About ASIC

ASIC is a society of irrigation professionals and green industry representatives dedicated to the responsible use and preservation of water resources.

Upcoming Events

ASIC National: April 13-15, 2025 in Savannah, GA



P. +1 (248) 929-9842
E. info@asic.org
PO Box 7070
Huntington Woods, MI 48070